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Software CellaView

for recording measured data and remote control of the pyrometers

Special Features:

Download CellaView
  • Windows-based Multiple Document Interface (MDI) user interface
  • Microsoft SQL Server Compact based database
  • Graphical display, recording and logging of measurement data
  • Free selection and combination of the measured values and status information to be recorded from up to 31 devices in one or more diagrams
  • Simultaneous start of any number of diagrams for parallel recording of measurement series
  • Setting of the period duration for the measured value recording and for the archiving independently of each other
  • Parameterization, calibration and remote control of the pyrometers
  • Storage of defined parameter sets for fast changeover in case of changes of production parameters or radiation properties of the measured object
  • Filter function for data reduction
  • Automatic device search
  • CellaCast function for recording and direct analysis of periodic production processes with predefined parameter sets incl. result protocol
  • Saving, loading and transferring the configuration profiles of the devices
  • Permanent connection monitoring
  • Automatic archiving of the measurement series
  • Tamper-proof storage of the measurement series
  • Data storage in CSV format for further processing in Excel
  • Zoom, scroll and analysis functions
  • Curser for displaying temperature and time in the measurement curve
  • Very fast data recording in milliseconds
  • Logging of operator inputs in a log file to keep track of setting changes
  • Download and software update via internet
  • no license restriction
  • executable under Windows 7 / 8 / 10
  • language switchable (DE, GB, FR, IT, ES, PL, RU, JP, CN, KR)

Software CellaView

CellaView is a database software running under Windows and based on Microsoft SQL Server for graphical real-time display, analysis and archiving of measured values. Furthermore, it is used for monitoring, remote control and configuration of the pyrometers.

The CellaView software is part of the CellaTemp PA and CellaPort PT pyrometer series. It is available for download from the Internet.

The configuration parameters can be stored and easily transferred to other instruments. This is also very helpful in case of service, to make the files available to the service technicians for testing.

The software may be installed on any number of computers in order to have access to the data from any relevant workstation.

The user himself defines the measured values, status parameters and configuration parameters to be displayed in a chart. It is also possible to combine the raw data and the recorded data in order to analyze the effect of configured functions such as a smoothing function or an extreme value memory.

The measured values of the connected pyrometers can be displayed and stored online as a graph on the monitor in a common measurement series or in separate measurement series.

Modern MDI based user interface

The modern Multiple Document Interface (MDI) based graphical user interface is characterized by the fact that several documents can be opened simultaneously in one program window. These are displayed in separate sub-windows.

The sub-windows can be freely placed and resized. This allows to work in several documents at the same time without having to start the program several times.

The measurement series of up to 31 devices can be recorded in parallel.

CellaCast function

The CellaCast function provides you with another independent option for recording and evaluating measurement series in conjunction with the ATD (Automatic Temperature Detection) function of the pyrometers. The ATD function in the pyrometer automatically determines the temperature of discontinuous processes and transmits a temperature value via the interface to the software at the end of the measuring time.

For production processes, such as the production of foundry products, the CellaCast function offers the possibility to select previously defined parameter sets to easily and quickly change the configuration of the pyrometer to different materials, permissible temperature ranges or measuring conditions.

The measurement report lists the number of measurements that are within and outside the defined temperature range, including the reject rate.

Depending on the preselection, a series of measurements and a measurement report are generated for each order, customer or production batch. The data can be filtered and called up very easily via the archive function with the selection parameters order number, customer number, batch number and designation.

Archive function

The measurement series are stored in an archive database. This ensures a structured data storage and thus the possibility to easily sort and select the stored data series.
Networking the pyrometers via the RS 485 interface
For bus wiring, up to 31 instruments can be connected together to a PC via the RS485 interface.

The measured values of the connected devices can be recorded and stored together in a diagram or in individual diagrams in each case.
Connection of pyrometers via the USB interface
Several pyrometers can be connected directly to a PC very easily and quickly via the USB interfaces.

In parallel, the measurement series of stationary and portable instruments can be recorded and combined with each other as desired.


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